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Why You Shouldn't Delay Having Your AC Unit Repaired

Sep 19, 2023

Staying on top of home maintenance jobs is a huge part of keeping your home comfortable, safe, and valuable. AC maintenance is very important because your AC system spans the entirety of your home and has a huge impact on your family’s comfort level. According to a Consumer Affairs Survey conducted in 2019, AC repairs were the second most common type of repair in the U.S. Almost 24% of respondents reported needing to fix or replace their units. AC repairs can’t be ignored. Let’s look at some reasons why you should not put off your AC repair jobs.

Increased Damage

If you notice there are problems with your unit, and you don’t act quickly, those problems could turn into bigger and more expensive problems. The thing with AC units is that problems don’t go away. They will only grow and start to affect other elements of the system. If you suspect that your unit needs repairs, contact AC repair contractors quickly.

Decreased Energy Efficiency

An AC unit that isn’t working properly will not be using energy properly either. You might start to notice that your energy bills are going up and up. This is due to the fact that when a unit is damaged or operating poorly, it will use more and more energy to provide the same amount of cooling power. This can get really expensive really quickly. If your energy bills are constantly increasing, you might want to call
AC repair contractors to evaluate your unit.

Increased Chance of Replacement

When an AC unit isn’t properly maintained, it increases the chances of the need for a full system replacement. The problem with the AC unit will continue to get worse until the entire system can no longer function properly. When this happens, you will need a whole new system installed. This can be a big expense. Although systems need replacing eventually, you don’t want to have to do this job earlier than necessary just because of poor maintenance.

Increased Fire Hazard

An AC unit that isn’t functioning properly can be a fire hazard as well. You really don’t know why the unit is not working correctly until it’s evaluated by AC repair contractors. If the system has a short or other electrical hazard, you could be putting your family in danger.

If your AC unit is in need of repairs, please contact us at T & C Air Conditioning today. We will be happy to access your unit and assist you with repairs quickly.

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